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NH ‧ supply innovative technology for Lifestyle ‧ Health ‧ Beauty
NH is a leading global provider of high technology products and high reliability to market of Health, Beauty and Wellness.


Based in the prosperous and diversify city Hong Kong, accessible from different regions of the globe. Our leadership has been achieved grace to our policy of innovation, knowledge technological, manufacturing and adapting products to the needs of consumers.


The Worldwide presence


  • Represented in 208 cities

  • A strong network with healthcare medical corporations and beauty groups worldwide

  • Experts in multi-languages

  • Headquarter and showroom in Hong Kong,  Brasil. Factories in Japan and France

  • Over 268,000 men and women treated worldwide




Spectacular technologies, two countries, Japan and France, recognized worldwide in the field of beauty and cosmetics industry ...

with a single supplier for various innovative products that enter your range of products!

On 12 April 2015, we achieved The Best Aesthetic Product and Slimming Treatment Award 2015 at Vida Estética-Les Nouvelles Esthétiques in Cosmobelleza Barcelona NARL 517 3D




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Our Company is not merely selling a product, but we sincerely combine useful advanced technologies and our experiences with scientifically-proven results as a health concept to provide to our clients. Our clients and selected partners are also the most reliable medical and health corporations, beauty, spa and fitness groups worldwide.


Guarantee its high quality and innovation to our customers in all regions of the world.


We have our subsidiary, NARL Japan KK in Tokyo Japan and NH do Brasil, in Rio de Janeiro Brasil, to provide our products and serve our customers in the approaching No.1 greatest beauty Brazilian market.


Japanese high-tech innovation and French exclusive high-quality products!


Large portfolio of visionary products with scientifically results proven that meet the needs of consumers


- In constant search of new technologies and new customers, we are represented in worldwide cities


- We serve medical corporations, aesthetic clinics, spa and fitness groups, perfumery, cosmetic and recognized brands worldwide


- NH's products 100% innovated from Japan and France.






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